Auto Care App - Designed for drivers needs

When I joined the team, I had access to all the team’s research findings. In each step of the design process, my job was to give shape to experiences, keeping the strategy in mind.


6 Months


Other Tomorrows

My role:

Product Design / UI Design


Design Director: Lee Moreau, Senior UX Designer: Chiranit Prateepasen, Senior Design Strategist: Susana Tort

Project Overview

When I joined the team, I had access to all the team’s research findings. I listened to the interviews to get immersed in the problem space. In each step of the design process, my job was to give shape to experiences, keeping the strategy in mind.

Project Overview

When I joined the team, I had access to all the team’s research findings. I listened to the interviews to get immersed in the problem space. In each step of the design process, my job was to give shape to experiences, keeping the strategy in mind.

Project Overview

When I joined the team, I had access to all the team’s research findings. I listened to the interviews to get immersed in the problem space. In each step of the design process, my job was to give shape to experiences, keeping the strategy in mind.

Starting with research

During the envisioning phase, I organized 4 Key Experiences into user flows and an information architecture diagram. I focused primarily on helping the driver to complete tasks. The idea was to build trust through the app experience by helping users to solve real problems.

Starting with research

During the envisioning phase, I organized 4 Key Experiences into user flows and an information architecture diagram. I focused primarily on helping the driver to complete tasks. The idea was to build trust through the app experience by helping users to solve real problems.

Starting with research

During the envisioning phase, I organized 4 Key Experiences into user flows and an information architecture diagram. I focused primarily on helping the driver to complete tasks. The idea was to build trust through the app experience by helping users to solve real problems.

User flows

Creating diagrams was a great way to align expectations for the next design phase.

User flows

Creating diagrams was a great way to align expectations for the next design phase.

User flows

Creating diagrams was a great way to align expectations for the next design phase.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

"My Garage" example

Each “Job to be done” started with an illustrated story based on research insights. Based on that, I developed low-fidelity prototypes and presented them to stakeholders to gather feedback on the feature's scope.

"My Garage" example

Each “Job to be done” started with an illustrated story based on research insights. Based on that, I developed low-fidelity prototypes and presented them to stakeholders to gather feedback on the feature's scope.

"My Garage" example

Each “Job to be done” started with an illustrated story based on research insights. Based on that, I developed low-fidelity prototypes and presented them to stakeholders to gather feedback on the feature's scope.


The first version of the My Garage page had too many calls to action, so I have changed the design and left the maintenance details to individual vehicle pages resulting in a simplified page.


The first version of the My Garage page had too many calls to action, so I have changed the design and left the maintenance details to individual vehicle pages resulting in a simplified page.


The first version of the My Garage page had too many calls to action, so I have changed the design and left the maintenance details to individual vehicle pages resulting in a simplified page.

Complete App Design Flows

For this project, my role was to visualize and give shape to a new product by designing representations that increased in complexity, incorporating feedback from designers and clients.

Starting the project with thorough user research and a strategic approach enabled me to prioritize the user experience and rapidly advance in crafting effective design solutions.

Complete App Design Flows

For this project, my role was to visualize and give shape to a new product by designing representations that increased in complexity, incorporating feedback from designers and clients.

Starting the project with thorough user research and a strategic approach enabled me to prioritize the user experience and rapidly advance in crafting effective design solutions.

Complete App Design Flows

For this project, my role was to visualize and give shape to a new product by designing representations that increased in complexity, incorporating feedback from designers and clients.

Starting the project with thorough user research and a strategic approach enabled me to prioritize the user experience and rapidly advance in crafting effective design solutions.